Sunday, August 24, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep08

It seem that now they have to deal with the aftermath on both sides. First you have the repercussions of Seylum revealing herself. Although in truth it was unavoidable because otherwise Inaho would have lost and rest of the crew would have share his fate as well. However you also have to fact that from the captains perspective Inaho was knowingly concealing the enemy. Inaho argues that he deliberately didn't. That in the end even if you knew there was much that you could do either which way so it was pointless further more if the information go back to the assassin the it would make thing worse for everyone. In the end Seylum is under the captain protection until they reach the HQ in Russia, the question is what will happen once they do reach Russia. The question is will they try to make her a political prisoner or will they to assist her in contacting her father to end the war.

Although the big issue is that fate of Slaine and how he is being tortured by Cruhteo. Although it take awhile Slaine final speaks when the fall of the latest knight is brought up. This also leads to the reveal of the missing Aldnoah drive, which leads to Cruhteo dismissing this fact since no Terran can activate it. However Slaine draws his attention to this fact when he start laughing, that although no Terran is capable of it that doesn't mean that someone else isn't. Which hint at the fact that Asseylum isn't dead, then when Slaine question Cruhteo on what he will do now that he knows. Will he try to kill her again, this cause him to reveal another secret that he was responsible for killing Trillram. That with this Cruhteo is final able to see the truth behind Slaine's action, that in knowing the the princess was still alive. He didn't know who to trust that in the end he could only act alone. It ironic that shortly after Slaine final earns Cruhteo respect that he is killed by Saazbaum as he abducts Slaine because he felt that Cruhteo was going to kill him. The question is what is in store for Slaine now.

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