Sunday, August 3, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep05

Now with everyone aboard this carrier, Inaho and the others are now safe from the brutality of war. It also appears that Captain Magbaredge has no interest in drafting these childern into service despite Inaho's effectiveness against the enemy. The other issue that has occurred is that the Martian King learn of how his knights has jump into action has order a cease fire, and part of this is to figure out what really happen down their and who was really responsible for the attack on his daughter. Although there are quite a few displeased with this resolute one of these is Count Cruhteo.

However one of the knights is unwilling to obey this cease fire that the king declared because of the insult to his pride. This leads to him deploying onto the top of the carrier that Inaho and the others are aboard. Even-though the captain knows of the enemies capability from his engagement with Inaho. The traditional soldiers once again prove to be useless, that it looks like they are fighting a losing battle until Inaho joins the fight. That he fight the enemy through indirect means by using explosive armor to defuse the plasma so that he can get close enough to nullify the enemies weapons. Although now neither of the can harm the other, that is until Inaho orders the captain to tilt the ship so that he can dump his enemy into the water. That in the end the water does the enemy in once again by reacting with his weapons causing him to blow himself up.

That while this is going on Slaine meets with the emperor to tell him that he saw his daughter still alive. That they need to mount a rescue party because this attempt on her life was plan by someone within the empire. Although unfortunately for Slaine that before he could meet with the emperor he already meet with Count Sazzbaum which appears to be the leader of this assassination. That he informed him that Slaine would say something like this because of his desire to save his people from them. That unknowingly Slaine has caused the termination of the cease fire and has put Princess Asseylum life in danger. The question is how will Asseylum reach her father and convince him that she really is alive and not a manufacturer fake created to fool them.

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