Thursday, June 5, 2014

No Game No Life - ep09

Things end up going in an unexpected direction. What I was initially expecting was that Sora would have to play his game alone, while Shiro fights the warbeast on her own. However in a way what they did was better. Where they fill us in on what happen to Sora by using his absents to tell the story. First problem to be over come was convincing Jibril and Steph that Sora existed. The reason that Shiro didn't forget was two fold. First being her deep bond with her brother and the second being the final piece of his existence that he didn't bet was related to Shiro.

Then when she play a game with Jibril to erase these supposed false memories, at the last moment she change her mind on losing. Then in winning Shiro fills her world with color by having the other two feel Sora's absents. This leads Shiro to conclude that Sora has played a game where he bet his existence however they still remember him so the game is still on going. This is proven by their disconnect with time and the lack of Steph's feeling for Shiro even-though she is suppose to be in love with her. Then once this is defined that magic has been used Steph begins the search but she trips over three Othello pieces.

Now with these piece it is a clue to what game they were playing, but what amazing is the siblings connection. Why this is impressive is because Shiro knows where to place the three pieces even-though she can't see the board or any of the other pieces that are in play and as she is placing them we learn what part they represent. Then when Shiro place the three pieces she gets her brother back by winning the game in his stead. However this resulted in Kurami losing all over her memories, and with her memories lost it raise the question on why this elf is so loyal to Kurami. Although Sora ignores her pleas the and pursues his first demand which is that they return the original memories while retaining copies of the memories that they stole. This was all done so that Kurami would have faith in him, and his second demand was so that he could alter Fil's memories. Now with the Kurami and Fil joining his side it's only a matter of time before they get to dealing with the warbeasts but they will probably be doing an episode on how Kurami and Fil integrate in with his group before dealing with the warbeasts. 

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