Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep19

Now as the Titan continues to purse them, what is interesting is that Captain Levi makes no move to engage it. This leads to Eren to question the fact of why he isn't doing anything, and why did they even bring him along if he wasn't allowed to do anything. That the best thing to do would be to deal with this Titan personal. However it seems that everyone else is aware of whats going through his head and what he is thinking about doing. It is then that Levi makes his opinion know that he feels that it is pointless to cage Eren. That in the end he will do what he wants and no-one will be able to stop him. That in the end it come down whether or not he trust them, that in the end it is a matter of trust.

This brings up a flashback of when they were preparing him to use his Titan form. That injuring himself was the key to transforming, but it appears to not be that simple since the experiment end in failure. That it isn't until later when he tried to reach for a spoon that was out of his reach while being injured that he transformed, but it wasn't a complete transformation. This show how delicate the trust between them is, that they didn't even allow him to explain when it is clear that he doesn't know what is going on. That it is later when Major Hanji explains about the spoon that was found in the Titans grip that it was accidental. While this explains that injury isn't the only fact, the main point here is the show of trust. That this trust follow both ways, while they didn't trust him when he transformed. Then at the same extent he isn't trusting Levi to leaded them if he goes off on his own to fight the Titan. In the end he decides to trust Levi. Then moments later the trap is sprung and this Titan that has been giving them so much trouble for all this time is captured. Since it is clear that it is like Eren, they may seek a way to extract to person inside to integrate them. However it hard to say what they plan to do with this Titan.

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