Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kamisami no Inai Nichiyoubi - ep05

It seem this time a bit of the darkness surrounding Ortus is revealed. How this is done is by Ai revealing what she is to Kiriko, this began so show us how amazing she is to this world because she was born in a time when no-one could have a child. In a similar extend Kiriko was born out of the desire a small group of people to have a child. Which to an extent is reasonable why the wish wouldn't be granted because someone would be left out between the five of them. That in this world where everyone's wish is grant both side of the wish were grant both hope an jealous which in the end means that no-one got their wish to have a child. This leads to the five of them meeting a witch who granted their wish but in a twisted way, by have a sixth created from portions of the other five. This is why Pox and Rex are the way that they are.

This leads into the next secret with the arrival of Diva to examine Scar, which is another of the Kiriko's five parents. Then after this meeting it leads to Ai getting permission to visit the Princess of the dead. This lead to her becoming Ai's second friend while Kiriko is her first. However once she goes back to the other she discusses things with Yuri on why they can't stay her. That this is a city only for the dead, that if the living wish to stay here they must die. This leads to the question of why Ulla's face is covered, but the greater question is if she is the queen of the dead then why is she alive. This point create a conflict when a group of immigrants come to die, so that they can join the city of the dead. Although Ai believes that Ulla does know what happens to them because she is alive. However it is likely that her eyes and voice is what kills them, this means that Ai is rushing to her death. The question is there deeper secrets that run to the heart of Ortus.

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