Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rozen Maidens 2013 - ep07

Now it seems that Shinku is regretting her harsh words to this other Jun. The great irony of all this is probably is what pushed this Jun to make the second doll. It's this second doll that is the main focal point of the story, but there is some attention given to the development of Saito's side of the story. That she represent a more positive future because she appreciates his talents, the very same talents that lead him into isolating himself. However she doesn't play a big part this time around but it just happens that this is where Jun finds this picture book that they have been referencing this whole time. There must be some greater meaning to the story since it been making reference to the seven dolls in one, but it still unclear of the message they are trying to convey with this book.

Although whats interesting is the rate at which the second doll parts are arriving, that things are being rush and there is implication that Jun doesn't have much time to complete this second doll. That one of the things is that it's connected to Suigintou because she needs to sleep in Shinku's box because she didn't bring her own. There is also the fact that is lack of sleep has lead her to find out what this older Jun is doing, and seems to implies that he is cheating on Shinku. That she tries to use this to blackmail him into getting him to cooperate with her. However Jun uses what Shinku told him about the Rozen Maidens to get better terms out of Suigintou because what he needs the most is to have Shinku sleep in her box at night so that he can work in peace. That to do this he needs Suigintou to sleep in her box during the day. Suigintou agrees but she doesn't like the fact that he is dictating the terms of their agreement rather than herself.

This to what is going on with to the Jun that original wound Shinku, that he is puzzled by these messages his other self is sending him. That is because they are only a one-side conversation, that some one else is sending him messages while impersonating him. That it is this white rabbit that told him how to do it in the first place, there is a possibility that he is helping someone else to do the same. That it basically confirms the fact that Jun is building Kirakisho body. That Jun being trapped as he is has noway to do anything that all can do is wait for things to play out and hope that his other self realize the trap that he is walking into. That doesn't seem likely since he believe that this Rozen Maiden is his only hope to change his life.

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