Friday, May 10, 2013

Valvrave the Liberator - ep05

Now with them declaring their independents, this event has cause the status quo to be re-established. Although the question is for how long, it is doubtful that Dorssia has given up on these weapons. Then there is that fact that ARUS really can't do anything about the situation either since the public is siding with these tragic youths, and with the election coming up they can't do anything that would compromise their position. This brings back to what life with be like for them now that they are independent, it turns out the situation is a lot like the story in “The Lord of the Flies”. That like the book everything start out nice and peaceful because they can now do what ever they want. However without any sense of true order and authority things will not turn out very well when thing start to go bad.

It doesn't take vary long for this to happen, That with the module being separated from the rest of the unit it cause the system to run a little hot, this ultimately cause the system to overheat and cause a blackout. This point at the first critical problem that they will be facing in the future, is how are they going to maintain the infrastructure of the unit that they are going to be living in from now on. While normal a power failure is a major cause for concern, however when power provides you both everything you need to survive it means with out it you are not going to live vary long without. It doesn't take for vary long for them to start blaming one another for the situation that they find themselves in now. Although once the power is turn back on, it shows how fragile their situation is. This raise the question how will they fair once Dorssia and ARUS return for the weapons they so desire.

Although this leads to the final point of obtain funds to maintain their government. It done in an interesting way since the beginning they have had the media and social network be a large part of the story. That by doing a little YouTube type video, while combining it with a site to take donation for them. It results in them so far earning a quarter of a billion yen. Then once this is finished it focus on Haruto and Yukino as they explore the deeper levels of the module in hopes of prevent something like the blackout from happening again. Although with L-elf involvement they discovered something that they didn't expect a whole armory of Valvraves, this fact frightens Haruto. Although it seem that Yukino wants one of her own, but once Haruto conveys his fears she calms down and agrees to let it be their secret. Now it seems that this is a beginning of a love triangle between Haurto, Yukino, and Shoko.

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