Sunday, May 5, 2013

Date A Live - ep05

Continuing from last time, we have the conclusion of Yoshino's arc. Things start out with Shido trying to work things out with Tokka, but it seems that she doesn't want to hear anything that Shido has to say. Now with no-other choice he leaves Tokka alone to resolve her issue by herself. This leads him to start looking for Yoshino, but when he finds her she is distraught over the loss of her puppet. Then since talking about what is bothering her out in the rain isn't the best thing to do, Shido disides to bring her back to his house which might have not been the best Idea since Tokka lives there as well. Although during the time they talk about what the puppet means to her, Kotori looks into where it could gone. However while Shido is making friends with Yoshino, once again Tokka enters at a bad time which cause her to misunderstand the situation while also at the same time scaring Yoshino away.

Now that Shido is alone, Kotori contacts him about the location of the puppet however it turns out to be in Origami's possession. The things turn out it almost like Origami use to puppet as bait to bring Shido to her. Although the reason on why she is dress as a maid when she opens the door is a little unclear. Things become complicate when she starts forcing herself on Shido that only once he agree to call her by her first name like he does for Tokka does she agrees to get off. Then for no reason she decides to take a shower which is the perfect opportunity for Shido to look for the puppet. In the end he finds it before she returns but the question is what would have happen if she never receive a call from the AST I wonder.

Now that he has the puppet, all that remains is to reach Yoshino before the AST find her. That turns out to be easier said than done. That by the time that Shido finds her she has been force to defend herself. That while he is trying to reach Yoshino she almost kills him but Tokka saves him. This leads him to ask Tokka for her help but she doesn't decide to help him until she realize that he is just as desperate to save Yoshino as he was to save her. Now that she understands the situation, Tokka allows for herself to become bait to draw the AST away from Yoshino so that Shido can get close. Than when he is about to enter the storm, Kotori doesn't like the idea because he will not be able to stop once he enters. Then from this it seems to suggest that he himself might be a spirit, which would explain his unnatural ability to heal fatal wounds. Things conclude with him reaching Yoshino giving her puppet back, while also saving her from herself by sealing her powers away. Now with two spirits save it seem the safe-house that Kotori was planning on building is now finished, the question is will Tokka want to move now that it is finish or would she prefer to continue living with Shido.

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