Sunday, May 12, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep06

Now with the death of Eren and Armin is left alive, the question is why the Titan decide to go after Armin as well. However it seems it might be awhile before the question is answers. Although for Armin once he comes to his sense, he reflect on this moment a see the world for what it has always has been cruel. It is a place where the strong feed on the weak, while Armin is still struggling with Eren's death. Things move onto Mikasa and her efforts on the final defense line. That after she defeat a Titan and see that a merchant is holding up the evacuation because of he selfishness. It is something she can't stand while her friend are fighting and dieing this person is only thinking of himself. That once the way is clear Mikasa remembers the day that she first met Eren.

That in this flash-back we get to see a time when Mikasa was a happy child. That she original didn't always live with Eren. That her family live in a small cabin out in the woods. Although because this isolation is what ultimately lead to the death of her parents because some lowlifes what to abducted both her and her mother into slavery because they were oriental. Which apparently is a extinct race of people in this world. Although during the confrontation they unintentionally killed the mother. However when Eren and his father arrive to find Mikasa's parents dead with Mikasa missing. Eren's father tells him to go home while he goes to inform the authorities.

It seems that Eren is unwilling to do this and goes to find Mikasa in secret. It turns out he does find out where she is but the lowlifes didn't ever expect that a child would kill them. Then once Eren frees Mikasa and tells her who he is, that is when he finds out that there were three men and not just two. That this is when the last man catches him by surprise, and Eren convenience Mikasa that she must fight or she will die. This leads to Mikasa taking out the last man. Then once everything is resolved and Eren's father return he scolds him for what he has done. Although Eren makes the point that if he did nothing than they would have been too late to save Mikasa. This brings into perspective Mikasa attachment to Eren, that as long as he lives she feels that there is nothing that she can't do. Although the question is what will happen to her when she finds out from Armin that he is dead, will it drive her past the point of madness or will she lose all hope and drive in her life with Eren gone. Only time will tell.

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