Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin - ep07

Things returns us to Mikasa search for Eren, and instead she find a group of soldiers unable to follow the retreat order because they don't have enough gas to make the trip. That through meeting these unfortunate souls that she is able to find Armin, who was a part of Eren's squad. That only when he sees Mikasa does he finally speak of the misfortune that his squad met. That in the end he was the only one that survived. This news hit Mikasa hard because Eren was her everything, and now that Eren's gone she has no-longer has any reason to go on living.

This cause her to make a very poor decision, that she intend to have the Titans kill her by going into on last final battle. That Through this act she drags the other hopeless mass with her by declaring to retake the resupply depot from the Titans so that they can make it back alive. That in this last attack so die just because they run out of gas. Although for Mikasa when she runs out of gas and she is about to have her life end by a Titan like she wished. Mikasa ends up having a change of heart that if she dies that Eren would have truly been forgotten, that she now wishes to live to keep the memory of Eren alive.

That at this moment is when another Titan appears to defeat the Titan that almost devoured Mikasa. Although the interesting thing is that it looks remarkably like Eren. Then as the Titan are fighting among each other, Armin sweeps in to save Mikasa seeing that she ran out of gas. Then later on the roof top they are rejoined by Connie. That is when they see the appearance of another Titan, however the one from before blocks it's path towards Mikasa and the others. This strange Titan that kills it's own kind get even stranger when it takes up a fighting stance, when Titan are suppose to be mindless beasts. That this is when it kill another effortlessly, than once this is done it moves past Mikasa and the other not even caring that they are there. This when it is reveal to Connie that Mikasa is out of gas. This is when Armin steps in and gives her the rest of his supplies, that she needs them more than he does. The question is if this Titan is really Eren and if so how did it come to be.

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