Sunday, October 12, 2014

Madan no Ou to Vanadis - ep02

It seems that they are still covering key points in the story using flashbacks. Things start off with what leaded Thenardier to send 3,000 men and two dragon to invade Alsace. In the end his reasons are childish, he views Alsace is worthless and doesn't want it but he will not allow his rival Ganelon to have it either. This his motivation for destroying Alsace but he also intends for it to be an example to everyone that stands against him. That through Thenardier arrogance it gives Tigre a way to return home by forcing him to ally himself with Eleonora and by extension of her actions to the Zhcted Empire.

This in the end is beneficial to Tigre, first Eleonora is not just going to let him go off and get himself killed. Second he would only have less than a hundred men against three thousand but by asking Aid from Eleonora he would have a fighting chance. Then there is the issue of future conflict, that even if they won Thenardier would just send more men the next time or Ganelon would just send his own army to mock Thenardier. That by allying himself with Zhcted he is sparing Alsace the coming civil war in Brune. Although Tigre wasn't thinking about any of this it just that he felt Eleonora was testing him and he passes this test in a way she wasn't expecting.

Things end with Zion being frustrated with his results in assaulting Alsace. First of all Alsace doesn't even fight back because the entire populace is holding up in the temple, that unless he wants to turn all of Brune against his father than he can't touch them. Then as he is lamenting this fact he notices Tigre's mansion on the hill and see that he can still have a little fun. Than as it turns out Titta is residing their waiting Tigre's return and with the intention to protect his families heirloom if nothing else. This leads to her confrontation with Zion and her desire to protect Tigre's ancestral bow almost cause her to get raped by Zion. However Tigre saves her a the last moment by piercing Zion's hand with an arrow which allow her to escape. Then with Tigre's return he is almost hit by a snipers arrow by kills the assassin this their own arrow but this event cracks Tigre's bow and force him to use the bow that Titta spent so much effort protecting. That next time will have the showdown between Zion and Tigre.

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