Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hitsugi no Chaika Avenging Battle - ep02

Now with the rematch between Chaika and Claudia comencing, most of the episode focus on this clash. That in a way the conclusion is obvious that Chaika would come out victorious but what is more important is how they reached this conclusion. That Chaika was able to win by shortening her spell and she was only ultimately able to do this out of concern over Toru. It seems as the story progress there will be more of a focus on the blossoming love between Toru and Chaika. That the conclusion of this battle mark another important change in the story because of the imformation about the location of the other hero as well as Gaz's fortune.

That towards the end of the episode it is point to a future clash between the Chaika's. First you have the white Chaika that from our knowledge has been the most successful in collecting Gaz's remains. Then there is the red Chaika that has finally collect her first remain and with this it will ultimately lead to a clash between white and red once again. Then you have how Vivi will play a part in all of this. There is also the point of doubt being raised in the Chaika's, how the red one is doubting her purpose because it is unclear compared to the white Chaika desire to give her father a funeral. While white Chaika is doubting her existance that there is a chance that all the Chaika that existed are fakes. Then this ask the question of what are they, and this is why Chaika is abandoning her search for Gaz's remains for now. That she is going to seek out the truth and Chaika believe that Gaz's fortune hold the key to this. The question is what will she do once she know the truth.

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