Saturday, March 30, 2013

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - ep12

Now they began resolving all the problems from last time, although they don't immediately start in on the conflict between the Maou and Yuusha. Instead things began with the Mage's arrival at Winter Kingdom where she is to deliver a message from the Crimson Scholar. That they could sell a cure to small pox for one goal piece per person. However she didn't know of the present war, but the Winter King see that instead of selling this cure they could use it to negotiation peace with central. Then from here we focus back in on Maou and Yuusha. It seems that Yuusha doesn't have to do much to bring her back to her senses. That once enough time pass the Maou is able to exorcise the previous demon lords spirits and reclaim want is rightful hers. Then once the Maou has truly returned Yuusha goes about healing the head maid and telling the Maou about everything that has happen in her absents.

This moves the story back to the human realm where the two conflicts are reaching a conclusion. The first is that the mercenaries that are working for central are becoming restless. It become much worse when they hear about the reason they aren't continuing since they have come this far. The first is the reason on why they started this war was to obtain food from the south so they didn't bring any food buy money instead because the people back at central are fearful for the coming winter. The other reason is the various leaders in this campaign are arguing over who gets the rights to the south. Then in seeing that their leaders aren't going to act they seek to start the war themselves by going on the attack.

Then once the Female Knight hears of whats going on she seeks to stop a war by preventing this rogue faction from reaching their camp which would give central all the reason it would need to attack. How she intend to stop is use a small group of Calvary soldiers to couple quick assaults just enough to get the mercenaries to give chase, the while they are pursing them divide their numbers in half occasionally. This would also force their enemy to divide their force as well, and it appears that while all this has happen the first snow fall of winter has arrived. This means that they have succeed in buying the time that they needed.

This leads into the trouble with Iron country where the general of White-Night Kingdom is running amok by going around killing everyone he sees. This leads him into encountering the Big-sis maid that is running the printing press, although this demented general believes that she is the Crimson Scholar. Although before he can kill her she is saved by one of Crimson Scholars ex-students the Soldier. Then with the battle between the two of them it looks her protect is about to die, and this leads him into potential dying to take out his enemy by dropping both them over the edge. Although the soldier saves himself at the last minute with his sword.

Then with all the current problems resolved, the Maou makes announcement to her people about that she is calling for a meeting of all the clans. However unfortunate she made this announcement after the black knight displayed his powers which leads her people to believe that she is going to invade the human world with all of the demon realms strength backing her. Which isn't her intention at all. This concludes this series but there are a couple things that hint at a sequel. First there is the fact that the Church is making under the table deals with one of the clans from Demon Realm. Then there is the constant resentment of the inhabitants of Demon Realm against humanity, it seems that when a sequel comes about that the Maou is going to have to do something about her own people if she wish to ever reach the future that she dreams of. The only question is how many years will we have to wait for the sequel.

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