Sunday, September 21, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep12

In the aftermath of Deucalion's crash they try to group, it appears that the ship is unsalvageable that everyone on board has to left behind. Also the pilot of Princess-1 is dead so Yuki take his place to see that the mission is completed. Things get much worse because as soon as they regroup Saazbaum returns to finish the job. However Inaho faces off against him alone as he send them off ahead. Once again Inaho proves that he is the most effective weapon against the martians since he force Saazbaum to recall his armaments saving Rayet but that doesn't stop Seylum's aid from being captured. That with all of his parts return to him Saazbaum is really fitting for the last boss.

This is even more true since he possess all the ability of every enemy that Inaho has defeated. However this makes Saazbaum more bark and less bite. That is because the ability contridicte which cause him to have more cinch in his armor than the others did since the where over specialized. That with this it doesn't take long for Inaho to strip him of his power armor. That to aid insult to injury Inaho toss Saazbaum his gun, but this was only bait so that he could link up with his power armor to finish the job. That in the end Slaine saves Saazbaum with Cruhteo's armor, just as Seylum turns off Saazbaum's aldnoah.

This results in a horrible ending with them crashing into the Aldnoah room. That gives Saazbaum to opportunity to kill Selyum even-though he was essentially defeat. That through Slaine's hatred for Inaho cause him to ultimately cause the very thing that he was trying to prevent in the first place. That with her death he first blames Saazbaum the one that shot her by shooting him in return. That to this end it seems that Slaine was his pawn this entire time, that through his action granted his wish as well as giving him the death he desired. That Slaine turns to kill Inaho because he see that he was the other party responsibility for her death but in doing so completely ignores his part in her death. That with this it appears that he disappears with Selyum's corpse. Now with this the first season has end and the things for the second season looks bleak with Inaho and Seylum both dead, unless somehow it turns out that they are not as dead as they appear to be. The question when the series start up again at the beginning of next year, how will they manage without Inaho or will they find some way to bring him back from the dead.

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