Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - ep19

Now with the news that the school is going to tear down Sakurasou revealed, the immediate reaction is outrage that they must stop it some how. However Jin advise everyone to think about what there doing, that by the time this happens both him and Misaki will be gone. It seems that they will also allow for Kanada to move back into the dorms with all his cats, which is kind suspicious since they were to original reason for getting him sent to Sakurasou. There is also the fact that they had an investigation on the condition of the dorm behind their backs, almost as if someone has some thing to achieve by destroying Sakurasou.

However everyone decide to take a step back and tries to decide what is best for them selves. While this is going on Mashiro retreats with Sorata back to his room. It is here it where sort tries to explain to Mashiro what is going to happen, although surprisingly it appears that she understand. However it appears that she doesn't since she isn't aware of the fact the boys and girls live in separate dorms, that boys are not even allowed to go into the girls dorm. This means he will not be able to take care of her like he has been, but before they get into this issue any deeper Mashiro discovers a photo of when Sorata first moved into Sakurasou.

This leads us into the story on how it was like for Sorata when he first moved here. That the first person he meet was Misaki who was sleeping in his closet, then for her to wake up and think you are a thief. This leads to Sorata having his first off the wall conversation with Misaki, the from all the noise that they are making Chihiro-Sensei appears. It seems from her perspective she doesn't care what they do, and leave as if nothing happened. Then Jin comes along and introduces himself as if there is nothing wrong with what Misaki's doing. It takes awhile but things settle down, however when he hears something at the end of the hall. Sorata goes to investigate believing it might be Jin or Chihiro but in his surprise he finds himself a ghost which later Chihiro explains to him is Akasaka Ryounosuke. It a nice little story which tells us how Sorata met each of the original residents of Sakurasou before Nanami or Mashiro came along.

This gets back to the question of saving Sakurasou, that even though he might have want to leave originally. Sakurasou is something precious to him now, and he has a lot of memories here. It seems that the others feel the same way. Although it seems that they main reason that has Ryounosuke involved is that they are trying to hide something, and if they really had a good reason to suddenly tear down Sakurasou then their would be no need to hide it. That if this is so they might be able to use this to save Sakurasou. The only thing I could think of would be, they could potential being pressured by Mashiro's father. It seems like he is the only one that could really profit from the destruction of Sakurasou, by removing the only place that Mashiro could really live. This would force her to return to England without appearing as if he had anything to do with it. The question remains that the school is inpatient for some reason, while also trying to do it in a way that will create as little noise as possible.

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