Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Trinity Seven - ep11

Now while Arata and the others are trying to find a way back, Levi has her work cut out for her holding down the fort. It seems that at least for now only one of the evil mages are attacking the school. That in a way this works in their favor since they don't have a lot of resources to fight them off. This allows for everything to focus on Levi's action as she mostly stands alone against Lugh. Although she does receive some support from Yui who is in her dream dimension protecting the students since the school can be rebuild but a lost life can't be restored. That another factor that is working in their favor is that Lugh is holding back a lot of her strength and only using what she feels that she must use to win the fight. That in this way Levi being injured work in her favor of prolonging the fight.

However thing change after she is healed and events move on to round two where Levi has the use of both of her hands. Although this allows her to use techniques she wasn't able to before it has the negative affect of having Lugh take a more aggressive stance by summoning her trinity. That shows that she could have end it earlier. However Levi isn't as dead as she expect since Selina involvement saves her and also allows for Liese to return through possessing her body. That with Liese's involvement things turn out very different since Lugh is more skill against someone that's a direct fighter rather than Liese that fight purely using indirect means.

That what is also interesting is that most of her actions are a smokescreen to hide the fact that Levi has been healed once again. With Levi returning to the battle the thing turn for the worst since she has to fight a two on one battle where she has been fight a one on one battle. This ultimately results in Lugh losing two of her trinity leaving her alone with sword left to fight with but things swing back in her favor with the appearance of Hijiri. Where it looks like Hijiri is going to finish them off before Arata arrives. However this plan is push to the side with his arrival come shortly after her own and his arrival is very opportune with him falling on Lugh resulting in him feeling her up which knocks her off kilter. Now with the battle lines drawn it looks like next time we will be going into the finale, question is how will it end. Meaning will the series reach a proper conclusion or will the finale set up a second season which is most likely the case since there is one more character that has yet to make an appearance.

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