Sunday, July 20, 2014

Aldnoah Zero - ep03

Now that Inaho and the others are safe for now from their stalker, they are going about probing the enemy to find it's weakness before they rush off into battle. This is probable the key reason they everyone else has died fighting these guys because the use brute force rather than finesse. This is most likely going to be key in this series by studying the enemy to learn it characteristic so that they can discover it weakness and use it against them. The importance of this is shown through Inaho's planning, that the enemy negates anything that make contact with it no matter what it is. This also means that he is blind and deaf but he is able to see by alternative means. This is how he was able to find them as they were running away and also why he did give chase when they enter the tunnel. This means that his only real means of seeing is through his satellites.

This leads to the execution of their plan which is first to blind him using smokescreen, but before that happens they draw his attention by sending out the armor transport first which is conveniently being driven by his target. Although the main goal of the smokescreen is to keep him ignorant of their true intent, which is to lure him out onto the bridge. In the end their plan is almost destroyed with the reappearance of Slaine who informs him of the location of the trailer. Then shortly after that he is taken out by Calm but not before he is hit as well taking him out of the fight.

Things come to a close when Trillram forces the Trailer to crash but they still need more time before the final phase of the plan can be executed. This leads to the martian princess revealing herself to Trillram but with his unwillingness to bow to her proves that elements within her government are trying to assassinate her. Then with this growing problem they get some reinforcements with the arrival of Lt. Marito who has rescued Yuki with the other civilians. This buys them enough time for Inko to get into position to take out the bridge knocking Trillram into the water. Where Calm uses a drone to observe the effects of the water has on his armor. That with this they are able to determine where there is a chink in his armor. That once this is known Inaho who is hiding in the shadow of the bridge is able to strike and end the threat. Although it seems that Trillram survived but when he shows that he is displeasure in the fact princess is still alive leads to Slaine killing him. The question is what will Slaine do, will he return to Count Cruhteo to inform him of the princess survival or will he try to join up with the princess.

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