Now with the
introduction of the big four complete, things end up going full
circle by further exploring Ringo's character. This is done by
returning to the issue about the soybeans. That in tending to them
Ringo discovers that there is some mold growing around them, which
later leads to Kousaku agreeing to take a look at them later in the
day because he doesn't feel like it is a major problem since it was
cause by over watering. Although he is proved wrong when he takes a
look at the beans for himself because it turns out the the soil was
contaminant, that anything else planted there would have suffered the
same fate.

This leads to
Ringo become severely depressed because of the failure of the
soybeans. That she only able to work past this once Kousaku take her
aside and tellers about his views of being a farmer. That this kind
of life gives very little reward while there is always a high chance
for failure, that their so no way to truly be successful. However the
little reward that it does offer is valuable because of how it
brightens up other peoples lives. That it is through this that
Kousaku finds out about the letter that she received that were
supposedly from him, that came with his produce that he sent her.
That after reading the letters he finds out that they were Minori's
doing. It seem with this revaluation Ringo has form a stronger bond
with Minori, then does this mean that the only attachment she had for
Kousaku was form from the letter. Then with the truth revealed is
Ringo going to start treating Kousaku differently.
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