The first episode
of this series is nicely structured, with how they introduce us to
the premise of the story. In the beginning you have the friction that
exist in Takashi home life, and how he wish to run away from it all
even if he has to go to hell to do so. Then with the introduction of
Isoshima they subtle imply that the nature of his families hatred for
him stems from some sort of accident that he was involved and as a
result they blame him for it's outcome. Although what cause the
accident and what was it's result is still unknown but it will
probably play a large part in the story.

Thing really
start unraveling when Miu shows up, which results in her turning
Takashi into a magician when she almost shoot him in surprise. Then
shortly after her pursues show up, and in seeing how they are hostile
towards Miu. Takashi ends up rising to her defense when one of the
pursues trap them with a wall of ice to prevent their escape. That
when Oigami goes on the attack Takashi meets him blow for blow with
his shiai which surprising lasts a long time against Oigami's sword.
However when Takashi receive a vision of the future he is able to
disarmed Oigami of his sword and use it's moment to break the wall of

Then with Takashi
and Miu making their escape, it gives Miu sometime to explain the
situation but she doesn't get far into it when Oigami returns.
Although around the same time Isoshima shows up behind Takashi,
wanting to question him on why he is running around with a strange
woman. That with her appearance it gives the story to reveal a plot
point by having her being attack by the mage behind Oigami. It seems
that when ever a mage attack a non-magic user they lose all their
magic and in return the person that was attack gains the ability to
use magic. However it is unclear at this point if the loss is
permanent. This is why Miu didn't lose her magic are at least not all
at once because she didn't directly hit Takashi with her spell. That
in the end things are wrapped up by Miu ending the deadlock between
Takashi and Oigami by using her magic to blind Oigami briefly.

Now with the
battle over the story come move onto it's main stage, that for some
reason Magic users cannot remain in this world. Which leads Takashi
and his friends returning to Miu's world because they can no longer
stay here. Which in the end Takashi get his wish but is the price
worth it because now he has to live in this ruined world that looks
like it has already face the apocalypse. That the question is how
will they survive in this ruined world, and the series is still
pretty much still a blank slate with the plot not really laying out a
clear define path just so hint at there are great issue waiting to be
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