Saturday, April 27, 2013

Date A Live - ep04

In the first half of the episode they focus in on the aftermath of the last episode. One of the things they go about explaining is that Shido's kiss has the ability to seal a spirits powers but apparently if they become distress enough the seal will break. This leads us into the next point where Touka will be living with Shido. After hearing the explanation Shido believes everything is finished, however this is his foolish belief that everything will return to normal. It seems that in the future not just Touka will be living here but all the other spirits that he saves as well. Even though this answers the question of why Touka lost her clothes when Shido kissed her and how she was going to live in his world. The key question is why does he have this power, does this mean that Shido himself is a spirit as well or is at least related to them in someway to have this ability.

This moves us further into the story where Touka is getting use to her new life. Although it seem that there is a bit of conflict brewing between Touka and Origami over Shido, it also could be seen as foreshadowing as what his life is going to be like when more spirits start to join him in his home. However things are limited to minor things like who cookies does Shido like better, and Origami's growing suspicion over Touka with them coming to school with the same bento. Then at home his sister is determine to increase his skill at talking with woman, so she has him repeatedly run into Touka in vary uncomfortable ways. This usually involve at least one if not both of them being naked.

Once it has been defined how Touka's presence has changed Shido's life, they move onto the next Spirit which is called the Hermit. It seem that Shido has encounter her before and didn't know at the time that she was a spirit. Although that really doesn't change how he feels when he see the she is being bullied by the AST. This gives him the resolve to try and save her like he saved Touka. Although thing aren't going to go as smoothly as they did last time especially when Touka shows up because she is worried about Shido. It turns out that she couldn't have shown up at a worse time, it doesn't help things when Yoshinon starts antagonizing Touka through her puppet. Things get much worse when Touka attacks the puppet and ends up taking it away from Yoshinon which results in her summoning a monstrous version of the same puppet which results in Shido getting injured. It seems that before he can try and help Yoshinon he is going to have to fix his relationship with Touka.

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